time mountain bike pedals - Berg Toys Gold AF Pedal Go-Kart
Code : 35929567
Brand : Berg

Description of time mountain bike pedals Berg Toys Gold AF Pedal Go-Kart
How 'bout some "Bling" on your ride? Its aerodynamic spoiler and compact size let you move fast. Low profile tires keep you glued to the road and show off your extra large white rims. Gauge your speed with an optional on-board computer. Store the Kart on it's back to save space. Automatic freewheel keeps the pedals from moving while you're coasting and once you're stopped, with the hand brake, allows you to pedal backwards. Features: -Pneumatic Tires provide a controlled ride with superior traction and durability. - Automatic Freewheel allows driver to pedal forward, coast with pedals static, and pedal in reverse to drive backwards. - Swing Axle allows the front of the frame to pivot for control on uneven surfaces and less stress on the beautiful robotic welds. - Powder coating offers durable protection to the tubular steel frame which offers strength without undue weight. - Handbrake applies stopping power to both rear wheels at the same time and can be locked in place for use as.
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