exercise bike pedals - Competitive Cyclist T-Shirt - Short-Sleeve - Boys'
Code : 60203415
Brand : Competitive Cyclist

Description of exercise bike pedals Competitive Cyclist T-Shirt - Short-Sleeve - Boys'
Football, soccer, Nintendo DS, etc are all great fun but nothing befits childhood more than ripping it on a bike. Kids, by virtue of their kidhood, are competitive cyclists. Most common, of course, is the race vs. bro/sis. But the intensity is just the same for solo rides - making believe they're toe-to-toe vs. Lance in le Tour or imagining they're at light speed in an X-Wing fighter, outrunning Darth Vader. Whether it's going up and down the street 100 times on a blue sky Saturday or doing something far more daring, pedaling like mad is an essential virtue of the single-digit years. We celebrate that here, with our kids version of the Competitive Cyclist T-shirt. It comes in four sizes, for kids aged 2 to 8+. It's made by American Apparel in soft 100% cotton, so they'll out-grow it before they'll wear it out.
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